Wednesday, November 10, 2010

4PLAY: Chasing the big "R"

Thoughts for the day, and in general, how I feel about what we are trying to accomplish with FOURPLAY that perhaps is out of step with the times, but hopefully speaks to some eternal truths that remain constant. The last of the short films that make up the series has wrapped, so now just in post-production land for 2011. Happy Holidaze! - Kyle

Romanticism is precisely situated neither
in choice of subject nor exact truth,
but in the way of feeling.


The moment of desire ! the moment of desire ! the
That pines for man shall awaken her womb to
enormous joys
In the secret shadows of her chamber : the youth
shut up from
The lustful joy shall forget to generate and create an
amorous image
In the shadows of his curtains and in the folds of his
silent pillow.
Are not these the places of religion, the rewards of
The self-enjoyings of self-denial ? Why dost thou
seek religion ?
Is it because acts are not lovely that thou seekest
Where the horrible darkness is impressed with
reflections of desire?


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